Have a Wienerful Christmas!

This will be a brief post, as I am enjoying family time today.  But how could I resist a “Wiener Wednesday- Holiday Edition” post?

We had some wienerish Christmas gifts:

Brad got a new shirt:



And we got a new floor mat (notice the “S” I painted on to make it more accurate):



And the wieners themselves got some presents too!  Here they are attacking their gourmet treats that were wrapped under the tree:

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They were so excited watching Story unwrap their football toy.  They loved it for a bit, played together, but Charlie had this toy chewed through within 20 minutes.  Oh well, it was fun while it lasted!:



And finally, some new sweaters for all three wieners.  They love them, and are all sleeping in them as I type this… but man was it hard to capture a picture of them.  Too much excitement in the house to hold still for even a second!  Here is the best I could do:

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The wieners are tired out now!


I better go – I have family to spend time with and new toys to play with!!!  Merry Christmas to all!!!

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