Sunday Social on a not so Social Sunday…

That’s right… I am taking a break from being social.  I have spent almost every day the last couple of weeks going to see friends and family… but today I am staying in!  I am in the middle of cleaning and reorganizing my craft room, but will take a break to do this week’s Sunday Social!  Click on the picture to see the link up!


This Weeks Questions:

1. What is the best New Years Eve you’ve ever had?


 New Years Eve is one of the Holidays I would dream about the most when I was a JW and didn’t celebrate any.  Just something about the countdown… the kiss at midnight… the fresh start….  I loved the idea of it.  Yet, it’s another Holiday that tends to be a big disappointment for me.  Holidays like that just aren’t what they should be when you lack people in your life.  I did have one really good one though- Justin (my at-the-time fiance, now my ex-husband, but still a good friend) and I went to a club in downtown Chicago.  We had tickets to a swanky NYE party- exclusive- dressy- open bar- delicious food- great dancing!  We had so much fun.  It was everything NYE should be.  I would love to do something like that again sometime.

2. Are you doing anything for NYE this year and if so what? Probably not. 😦  It’s the first NYE that Brad has off of work and I don’t have the kids… I think… ever.  But Brad’s not into making plans.  I will probably just, I don’t know, clean or something.

3. Name a book we should all read come January? Geesh I am such a Debbie Downer with this Sunday Social, but I don’t have an answer to this one either!  I haven’t had time to read anything new lately… I am going to have to go check out everyone else’s answer to this one to get some suggestions. 🙂

4. What are your new years resolutions?  Mine is very simple:  I want to start doing the things that make me happy again.  This past year, all my time has gone to the kids, the house, volunteering for the school.  I no longer take any time for me, and I can definitely feel the negative effect it has on me.  There are many things that I love to do, and a simple 15 minutes here and there of them used to make me so happy- and I was a better person because of those small moments of happiness.  Here are some examples of the things on this list:  Scrap-booking and Card-making, exercising, walking, reading…. literally- 15 minutes of one of these activities is all it takes.  Yet, I never have the time.  So in 2014- I want to make myself find the time.  For me.

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